In golf, it’s not the stuff you forget that really messes you up, it’s all the stuff you try to remember. “Keep your head down. Cock your wrists. Maintain your spine angle. Delay your release.” Forget about it! If you have a checklist like that running through your head, you’re not going to hit a good shot.
Hi. I’m John Furgurson, author of the Forget-About-It Guide to Better Golf. John Ford asked me to do a guest post here at Tee Box Talk, and I’m happy to do it. Because John is the only guy I’ve ever met who teaches people how to “Forget About It” before every shot.
When I use John’s technique, and clear my mind of all the technical nonsense, I hit the ball squarely on the sweet spot 80 percent of the time. When I don’t, I miss. Simple as that. Whenever the mechanical, left brain analysis creeps into my swing, I don’t play well.
John Ford teaches a pre-shot routine that’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen. But don’t worry, it doesn’t look weird when you’re on the course. In fact, your playing partners probably won’t even notice you’re doing it. It’s very subtle, but it has a stunning effect on your ability to hit the ball consistently. It applies to every shot on the course, from the tee box to the sand traps to the short putts.
It’s the pause that pays huge dividends on the score card.
In the classic instructional book “On Learning Golf” Percy Boomer says, “you must not think or reflect, you must feel.” But modern golf is dominated by video analysis, shotlink data and instant lessons. So the modern golfer has to switch from the analytical mode to the creative “feel” mode pretty much on demand.
With just one session at GNL Golf, they can teach you a simple routine that’ll “turn off” the mental noise precisely when you need to tap into your natural, authentic swing. It’s what the sports phycologists call “flow concentration,” and if you let it happen, you’ll be amazed how well you can hit the ball.
I have to admit, I found it difficult to do at first. (Bit of a mental block, I guess.) I had my own pre-shot routine that I thought was pretty effective, so it took a couple of rounds to integrate John’s little secret. But once I got used to it, Forget About it!
I still get rushed and distracted sometimes, and forget to do it. But I’m aware when that happens, and I always go back to it. It’s what brings me back into the game and allows my natural ability to shine through.
If you ever suffer from paralysis by analysis, like I have, or if you just want to hit the ball farther, and a lot more consistently, go see the guys at GNL Golf. And while you’re there, pick up a copy of my book.